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Some people see things as they are and ask why?

Others see things as they could be and ask why not?

“It takes vision “


We believe in the transformation of lives through Jesus Christ. Hope is the confidence we have in God’s power to transform us into a state of wholeness. 


We are responding to God’s call to love our neighbour. Our faith is the motivator for everything we do, yet we take great care to ensure we don’t discriminate in the support we offer to our community. We work with the community including children, families and the homeless irrespective of their religious beliefs, race, gender or sexual orientation.


At Chelsea and Fulham church ,it is important that we reflect God’s love to one another and the world. We express our love simply by showing them Christ and his love (1 John 4:9-10).


We go beyond serving our community to overcome life challenges. We believe that to be transformed requires an understanding of the great plans God has for our lives. When we serve our community we share God’s love. Although, we work and serve in ways that are culturally relevant and non-coercive, we take great time and care to share the Christian foundations of our work.


At Chelsea and Fulham church, it is important that we reflect God’s love to one another and the world. We express our love simply by showing them Christ and his love (1 John 4:9-10).



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